Atos chooses the consortium formed by Econocom, Onepoint and Butler Industries

published on 11-06-2024

Atos today announced that for its rescue plan it has chosen the consortium formed by Econocom, founded by Jean-Louis Bouchard, the group’s current Chairman and CEO, Onepoint, the firm owned by David Layani, and Butler industries.

This agreement would give Onepoint, Econocom and Butler Industries each a share of the Atos group’s capital that will be decided on and announced to the market once the final agreement has been confirmed.

In line with wishes expressed in the press releases issued on 15 and 23 May 2024, this decision will help Econocom consolidate the activities that it shares with its partner Atos, including provision of equipment, workplace managed services (Tech Foundations) and BDS equipment financing (Bull).

Jean-Louis Bouchard congratulated David Layani and Walter Butler on this first step taken, underlining that it should be followed up with a phase of due diligence between the different stakeholders. He restated his trust in his two partners so that they can, together, meet the challenge of this industrial project aiming to ensure that the Atos group continues to exist.

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